Thursday, February 4, 2016

Independent Component 1

  •  I, Jessica Bui, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 35 hours of work.
  • The sources that primarily helped me in my independent component were the textbook Game Design Workshop: A Playcentric Approach to Creating Innovative Games by Tracy Fullerton, which explained to me the iteration process of game design as well as the Game Design Log from Lost Garden (, which largely influenced how I documented/compiled my work. The video tutorials on how to work the software RPG Maker VX Ace by the Youtuber Novem also helped me grasp the basics on how I made my digital prototypes (maps). 
  • See here for Hours
  • In the amount of hours that I have worked on my Independent Component, I have basically gotten down the pre-production on the game I play to fully create in my second IC. I looked at Tracy Fullerton's iteration process in her book to determine what information I would be putting down in my document, such as story, premise, characters, physical prototyping, digital prototyping, and player experience goals. My time working on the project consists of mostly working on the computer. I also made sure to add artwork, as well as a video tour for what I had of the digital prototype thus far.
  • This Independent Component has truly allowed to me to have a deeper experience in understanding what it's like to be a game designer, even an amateur one. By taking on this project, I had not only assigned myself as the game designer, but also the creative director, writer, artist, and programmer. The majority of my time was spent on the digital prototyping, and the second most of my time was spent on the writing/narrative of the game, which is significant to my vision of the game. I have many drafts that do not even make it to the Game Design Document because they are mostly repetitions with minor tweaking.
  • Evidence: Game Design Document and RPG I-Poly Campus Digital Prototype Tour
  • Thanks to this IC, I understood that, despite being basically the sole creator of the game at first, collaboration and input from others is extremely important. Game design, as is any form of design, is a largely creative field, and when it comes to making art, there will be times you will have to weigh on whether you should pursue a decision as the independent hand of the project or actively take into the consideration of others. Many of my decisions in the game were heavily influenced by three of my supportive friends in this project, such as character design and certain sensitive subjects that will be in the game. Nevertheless, I have realized that the design of the game has become much better than if I had decided to simply worked on it without bothering to show others.

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